
Here’s a message from our director

Spring is the perfect time for fresh starts. Winter is long since over and cleaning up the outside is a great way to feel good about where you live and how others see your home. It’s time to prepare your beds for fresh mulch. If you don’t have a physical border between the lawn and mulch beds, simply cut a crisp edge with a sharp spade.

Here’s a message to our supporters

This is our 32nd year in business. We are honored to be able to do our best work for you and humbled to have known all the fine folks who have crossed our path over the years.

Here’s a message about the future

We will continue to provide excellent personalized service for you and hope you will continue to trust us. If you are new to Twelve Oaks, know that you are not a stranger here, but a friend that we haven’t met yet. We are excited about some new offerings this year: One new service added is water feature installation, including pondless waterfalls and various non-traditional fountains. Please contact us to set up a presentation. Also, we would like to initiate a plant rescue/recycle service. Rather than trashing shrubs or small trees that are unwanted, we can evaluate and recommend how they can be utilized on your property or somewhere else.

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